2024-2025 Bulletin/Catalog
Welcome to CUNY School of Professional Studies’ Catalog and Student Handbook. This publication lists academic programs and requirements, course descriptions, student rights and University policies, as well as links to admissions, tuition and fees, financial aid, academic policies and procedures, and student services.
Important Notice of Possible Changes
The City University of New York (CUNY) reserves the right, because of changing conditions, to make modifications of any nature in the academic programs and requirements of the University and its constituent colleges without advance notice. Tuition and fees set forth in this publication are similarly subject to change by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York. The University regrets any inconvenience this may cause.
Every effort has been made to make the material presented herein timely and accurate. As changes occur, they will be communicated via traditional media and reflected on the School’s website. Students are encouraged to check the website to determine the most up-to-date program and course information and to make use of the Student Degree Audit System to track progress toward graduation. Critical points of fact or interpretation should be considered subject to confirmation by the appropriate office or department of the School.
The School does not guarantee to offer all courses it announces. The announcement is made in good faith, but circumstances beyond the control of the School sometimes necessitate changes. The School may cancel courses if the enrollment does not warrant their being offered or if other contingencies make such a cancellation necessary.
To view archived catalogs please visit:
2023-2024 catalog: https://sps-archived-2023-2024.catalog.cuny.edu/
2022-2023 catalog: https://sps-archived-2022-2023.catalog.cuny.edu/
Archived catalogs prior to 2022-2023: http://catalog.sps.cuny.edu/